Last updated on May 20th, 2018 at 09:00 pm
Chronologically Makai was born and then we decided to travel perpetually.”Why travel now when he’s so young when he won’t remember anyway?” is a question a lot of people have when we talk about our decision. I have never asked that question of myself as we work to make our dream a reality. Many other questions were asked and answered of us by us but that one was not one of them. Having Makai was the inspiration to live a better life for us and travel is part of that. One is because of the other really.

I believe he will remember the places we visit and the people we meet even now at this age. More importantly he will grow and be shaped by our experiences with a more global view. What it comes down to is, the changes that happen in a person because of travel, the shift in perspective will benefit Makai in so many ways because he is so young.
I know how much traveling has changed me and my ideas on how I want to live. I think back to my childhood and I remember being afraid of so many things, afraid of change. I think traveling will stave off those fears for Makai. Already I see skills developing in Mak because he has done some traveling. He does not remember the details of our trips so far but he is changed, he did learn and grow because of those experiences. Examples of this growth are his abilities to handle change very well and talk to new people regardless of age without fear or hesitation. He loves to fly. He has been on 10 flights so far in his short life and absolutely loves being on a plane. Some long flights, some overnight, some short, lots of turbulence he has experienced all of these and loves to fly because he has.

I think travel will create lasting memories for Makai. He will learn new language and expand his creativity and imagination. He will be more tolerant of differences and open to change. He will fear less because he will see and experience much more than most his age. He will try so many new kinds of foods and find favorites he never would have if he hadn’t traveled. Travel broadens perspective thus opening the mind to see the world through different eyes. Makai may not remember the finer details of travel in his early years but he will learn, build character and feel at home in the world.
It isn’t whether Makai remembers specifics about the places that we will visit, it doesn’t matter. It’s the fact that he will be enjoying an adventure with his family, learning by experiencing new things and situations, and learning from us and our reactions to new and different things.
He will build his character and confidence with all of the challenges that travel will pose for us. He will remember the joy and excitement and the adventure of his younger years. Rob and I believe that confidence is achieved by doing things, rather than reading about things. Mak will build his confidence through travel, perhaps become multilingual and definitely have a unique eye for opportunities for his future.
“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” – Miriam Beard
For more thoughts on travelling with young children check out our friends:
Mary from Bohemian Travelers – Is Traveling With Young Kids Worth It?
Nancy from Family on Bikes – Why travel with young kids? After all, they won’t remember it.
Alisa from Living Outside of the Box – But Will Our Kids Remember?
Jenn from Edventure Project – Why Travel is NOT Wasted On The Very Young
Heather from Living Differently – Why bother – the kids won’t remember
Lainie from Raising Miro on the Road of Life (and Aimee from Suitcases and Strollers) – Doubt that Travel has Value?
It has been an amazing experience Shannon! Travel has helped Mak grow in so many ways. I am so glad we took the leap to start this adventure and I encourage anyone who wants to travel with kids to do it!
I’m glad I found this post and your blog. The links at the end are great!
We also started traveling when our son was really small and I was pregnant.
I also wonder how much our son can remember of our year and a half in Laos and Bangkok, but we have so many photos that he can always look at, and remember that way. And now at 4 years old he is a master traveler and is teaching his little sister well!
Will follow your blog from now on, thank you.
I am glad you found this post to Orana:) Your son has been changed by your travels even if he doesn’t remember details. That’s amazing he is a master traveler at 4!! I am happy you will follow the blog. You never know where we’ll wind up, maybe we will meet you on the road:)
It will do all those things for him! How wonderful that you are wise to it already, imagine if all parents realized how important travel is?!
Thanks Mary. What’s been surprising to me is how many families are living this way already. We have been so lucky to connect with some of these great people on line. That has helped us stay the course, reading about the huge positive impact this lifestyle has on kids.
I agree Gina, he will absorb it. Glad you enjoyed the quote. Miriam boiled down my feelings on travel perfectly.
Such a lovely post! I absolutely agree that travel is not “wasted” on young ones! I think your observations about Makai soaking up language, perspective, and experiences while being surrounded by love is perfect! He is absolutely adorable by the way!
All the Best!
Thanks Anne:)
Love. Right on.
Thanks Jane. Rob and I absolutely love your blog.
“He will build his character and confidence with all of the challenges that travel will pose for us. He will remember the joy and excitement and the adventure of his younger years.” This is a great ending and you are SO right. Whether he has any specific memories, travel is changing him, building him and causing him to become a fantastic man! My kids are big now, and we’re still traveling, and they would all tell you that it’s been a blast!
Thank you so much Jennifer! That validation from your experience means a lot. I hope we meet your family on the road. The positive impact on Makais development is the only thing I have had no doubts about from the beginning.
Yes! It will build his character and confidence! And what’s more important than that?!
Alisa there is nothing more important for us. The decision to travel now was easy because of the opportunities for Mak.