Last updated on August 23rd, 2015 at 04:05 am
Some days I am definitely more productive than others.
On my less productive days, I can be scattered, forgetful and because of this I become frustrated, with the world at first and then just myself. I know we all have days like this. Days, when we’re feeling stuck, letting negative thoughts, creep into our consciousness. These days seem to be occurring more frequently for me and now, days have turned to weeks.
So eventually I get fed up with this negative thinking, with wasting time. In fact, I get fixated on time.
It can be one little thing at the back of my mind. One thought that crept into my brain and gestated. Growing big slowly, finally filling my head I am forced to face it.
Then it hits me! That thing that is occupying my subconscious. Something I fear or have been avoiding for one reason or another. I call it the thing that’s standing in my way. The thing that leaves me feeling stuck, preventing me from achieving anything and moving forward.
So I am experiencing this scattered frustration right now! Time is getting to me.
I have always been someone who sets goals, believing anything is possible. Follow your heart, go with your gut, trust your instincts, stay calm and stay the course! If it requires a process, long or short, to get something done just begin and you will get there.
For one reason right now I feel halted..
I know that is part of it. Part of me feels I am running out of time to get this dream under way. The other part of me knows that is a ridiculous thought. So I am at war with myself. I want the other part to win. The part that believes in this dream and wants it to happen so badly. The challenges are getting exhausting and time seems to be passing so quickly.
I need to focus on the things I can control. First is my attitude. I believe life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to those things. My reaction, or more inaction to our challenges lately is what’s getting me down. I read this quote yesterday and it made me refocus.
“When one door closes another one opens, but so often we look so long and regretfully upon the closed door, we do not see the one which opens for us.”
Alexander Graham Bell
Time to change, to act. Open my eyes and recognize the opportunities, leaving no opportunity wasted. I need to work harder doing the things I can to push this dream forward and start focusing past the things standing in our way. Start to use my energy to clear those hurdles. Make things happen as opposed to sitting back and letting things happen to me. I just need to start acting.
Are you feeling stuck right now? What’s holding you back?
Hang in there Tracey!!!
Thanks Nicole:) I definitely will. Achieving anything worthwhile is never easy. It seems like the universe is really testing our resolve lately. I need to start focusing on the right things despite the distractions. Patience is definitely not my strong suit and I am sure this is contributing to my feelings of frustration.
I don’t feel stuck, but I too am waiting for opportunity to knock. I just wrote a similar post about where we are at this time in our lives, which is an awesome time, don’t get me wrong. But I’m someone who once we have a plan, I become impatient to put the plan into action. I don’t want to wait for A, B, C,… I want to jump right to X,Y, Z and get the ball rolling. Patience is the hardest hurdle in my life, always has been and I predict always will be. I think you just have to keep believing that your journey will begin when it is supposed to, knowing that you’ve got all of your puzzle pieces in place. Maybe make a list of what is holding you back and see what you can do about crossing a few things off of the list. Sounds simplistic I know, but I’m very visual and sometimes I need to see it, to map it out. Keep taking one day at a time and keep moving forward…
I can totally relate to your impatience Patti! I know everything will come together when the time is right:) I have always been a list person, using lists now will help keep me on track. Thanks for the suggestion. One day at a time….