Why We Want This Travel Life The decision to sell just about everything we own and travel for a yet to be seen amount of time is not easily understood by a lot of people. It hasn't been easy for us to explain either. Part of my difficulty in explaining is my own preconceived notions about what people will think of the reasons I have for wanting this change, which include …
A Huge THANK YOU! No Words Left Unsaid
My last post, Travelling Home, really got me thinking. Reflecting on all of the wonderful people that inspired us and helped us to make the changes in our lives so we could begin to fulfill our travel dream. With 2012 gone and 2013 just beginning I want to recognize and thank these amazing people who made a difference for our family and affected us personally. …
Traveling Home
I can't believe it's almost 2013! We have been in Calgary, away from our home that has not sold, living with Robs parents (slight cringe) for almost 6 months now. It seems a lot longer and not because we living with Robs parents either. It seems a lot longer because of the changes that have happened to us because of our new home as people and as a family. …
Why We Choose to Unschool
Unschool. It looks like an example of bad spelling. Even as I begin this post the little squiggly red line that appeared when I typed “unschool” is prompting me to fix my misspell. As it is, there is nothing made up or mistaken about the word “unschool”. In fact the term “unschooling” was coined in the 1970s and used by revered educator John Holt who is known as the father of …
Financial Freedom, Work On My Terms.
Prevea Original Art & Imports is my home business. It began as a way to write off some expenses when we were traveling. Born from our love of travel , Prevea has grown into a full blown lifestyle transformation. This summer, July 1st, 2012 to be exact, I quit my job working for someone else to work for myself. Turns out working for myself is just one of many perks of …