A Language Barrier for me can bring feelings of vulnerability, uhh… and insecurity. Also ineptness and sometimes, worst of all, sadness. These are all the feelings I get when I am traveling in a place and don’t speak the language. Now that I think about it, the feelings I get are all rooted in deep frustration. I find it deeply frustrating that I just can’t find the …
Open Air Market Barranquilla
One thing we looked forward to in Colombia was the food. We love Caribbean spice and tropical fruits and both are big influences in Colombian cuisine. Reading about Colombian food had us expecting a certain availability of fresh local produce and proteins. When we arrived in Colombia we did find small vendors set up here and there selling lovely local fruits and vegetables. …
Colombia: A Heart warming First Meeting
Colombia's people are enthusiastically proud of their country, generous with their time and their culture. They love to share food, stories, music, themselves. They truly are the most gracious hosts. The people of Colombia smile often if not always, warm, welcoming, beautiful smiles. We have experienced so many examples of the generosity that is Colombian culture since being …
Rental in Barranquilla: We found one, How We Thought We Wouldn’t
We have been on the road for 3 weeks now and the day before yesterday we moved into our longest rental yet. We found a longer term rental in Barranquilla and I am so glad we will be in one place for longer than 4 or 5 days. We decided to move from Cartagena, north along the coast, to find a rental in Barranquilla for a couple of reasons: It is expensive to rent for less than …
Cartagena: Why It’s Not Where We Want To Stay
Our first days on the road have been busy! We have been traveling for 2 weeks and it feels like so much longer. Rob asked about a place we visited in Miami and shook his head as he realized it was only last week. He went on to say it felt like a year ago. Overall everything is great, totally what we expected. This means we have had many unexpected setbacks and challenges …