Last updated on July 5th, 2015 at 02:12 am
I have always been a fly by the seat of your pants kind of gal, a risk taker, opportunistic even. Being like this has served me pretty well up to this point in my life. Being open-minded combined with the ability to decide to act on what inspires me has left me having few regrets. The biggest lesson I have learned when you live like this is you must plan for success. Included in the plan should be a roadmap, defined steps to achieving your goal. Having alternate routes marked on your map will keep your success moving forward and save you time and worry when faced with roadblocks.

Having a plan B, if you will, has made some of my original ideas turn out a lot different from what I had first imagined. No matter, because I felt peace after setting one of my plan B’s in motion. I felt as sure as I could that my new course of action was the best option to meet my goal. I believe in every risk taken there is a chance for learning resulting in change. Change and growth that moves us forward.

Rob and I are both people who can be honest with ourselves and act accordingly if the original plan has gone sideways. So we are at that point now, the point where the original plan has gone sideways. The Expat Experiment plan has been skidding sideways for a while now. Our house still has not sold despite serious reductions in price. This one thing has changed the course of our travel plan, the when and how we will travel. We have devised and set in motion numerous alternate plans so our dream continues to move forward. Moving in a different direction mind you, but still moving. There are very few things in life that go exactly to plan so it just makes good sense to prepare for different scenarios. Don’t give up!
The process to making change in your life, achieving what you want, is to focus on it every day. Knowing some steps to getting there and adapt accordingly. Not knowing all the steps needed is okay, you just need to know the first one and take it. What needs to follow is a series of decisions and actions. Anticipating bumps in the road on the way to achieving your goal will prepare you to weather tougher times. Preparing some alternate plans for “what ifs” that pop into your mind will help keep your dream in motion.

So take a risk, dream a dream, get an idea and plan to realize that dream or idea. Realistically map out the steps needed to achieve that dream. Take a step every day to accomplishing your goal. Doing even the smallest things every day will keep your dream alive and building to fruition. Working alternate plans into the early mapping out stage will relieve stress when things aren’t going to plan. You will already have the best options available to you so you can continue driving that dream and not let it die in a crash and burn. I read this quote on a friend’s blog, I find it comforting.Patti from One Road at a Time quoted this from a movie, “It will be alright in the end. If it isn’t alright, then it isn’t the end.” Simple yet profound. It is never too late to make a new plan.
Great post! And thanks for the shout out. When I first heard that quote while watching the movie, I just knew it was going to stick with me for the rest of my life. I’m glad it meant something to you as well. Have you seen the movie? It really speaks to your post! I have a very dear friend, who recently celebrated her 65th birthday (you’d never know it) and she just left to fulfill her dream. She bought a mini RV, packed the van and she’s off to travel the U.S. Never give up the dream is exactly right. And, what I’ve learned over the years is that everything will happen when it is supposed to; when the universe says it’s time to go, you’ll go. We too are waiting for the universe to help us with some major plans that are sitting on the shelf waiting to come to fruition. We’ll be ready when the universe tells us when. Until then, waiting sucks, doesn’t it?!
Thanks Patti. The waiting sucks for sure! I have always enjoyed the anticipation before leaving for a big trip almost as much as going on the trip. This anticipation is not as enjoyable I have to admit, it’s taking to long Patti! Patience is not one of my strengths so this has been a challenge, luckily I love a good challenge:) I know this dream will be a reality, universe permitting. We will keep making the changes we need to get there and we to will be ready when the time comes!
Hey Tracey,
Great post – so true. This lifestyle throws lots of curve balls and you have to be able to adapt or you just can’t be sustainable. I look forward to hearing more about your plans and meeting up with you somewhere on this planet!
Peace, Nicole
Thanks Nicole. The strange thing to me is I feel more secure in our choice to travel indefinitely because of the curve balls. I read this quote about a year ago, “Figure out what your purpose in life is, what you really and truly want to do with your time and your life: then be willing to sacrifice everything and then some to achieve it. If you are not willing to make the sacrifice, then keep searching.” Quintina Ragnacci. We are so determined to achieve our goal and all of the challenges we face destroy all doubt and make our resolve stronger to keep fighting for our dream. We will meet you somewhere on this planet before the end of 2013, I know it:)