Last updated on August 23rd, 2015 at 04:04 am
Well our journey has begun. We have been on the road a little over a week and it is now, our first full day in Cartagena. I woke up early this morning, someone playing very loud dance music on or near the beach. I’m not sure where it’s coming from but it was quite an effective alarm clock, ahhh Colombia.
Makai is still sleeping, despite the driving beat and as I look at his little face I am inspired to write him a little note to tell him some of the wonderful things I hope this journey holds for him, why I really wanted to travel.
We have just started our adventure in South America and already I have seen so much growth in you. Since we started planing and preparing and now travelling you have been willing, excited, patient and tough, sometimes all at once and sometimes one at a time to support us.
Thank you.
I am so proud of you, and you amaze me every day with your uncanny openness to change. I am so glad you are that way. That is one of the things I had hoped travel would do for you but looking back on your fast 5 years I think you have always been open to change, strong, confident. I hope you continue to grow with that openness, and see and do things that expand your perspective and continue to build your strength. I hope the things we see and do plant more varieties of seeds in that ever expanding mind of yours to grow new ideas and create different opportunities that will help you move boldly into the future, collect many brass rings.

I hope travel helps to feed your insatiable curiosity for life and shows you new experiences and knowledge that will teach you things that make you love our world. You teach me things everyday, the latest thing being: really enjoy the simple things, you and your Cheetos, crazy kid. Thank you for helping me to recognize and appreciate those little pleasures.
I hope unschooling or world schooling helps you learn more than I did in school. I hope you know more about the world and living a happy life sooner than I did to make you feel confident you will be a success at what ever you decide you want to do. I hope the life skills we develop and the life styles we see help you feel endless life living choices when you leave Dad and I on your own adventure.

Where you are already a caring, compassionate little person, I hope traveling continues to develop and nurture those qualities. I hope you make friendships everywhere we travel to share your amazing character and get to know other amazing characters and really learn about the people and places we visit. I am so excited to make all the memories and adventure stories with you and your Dad.
I love you Son.
This letter brings tears to my eyes. Tears of joy. What you are doing for your son is priceless. He is so, so very lucky. And one day he will be beyond grateful to you for taking his hand, and putting the world in him palm. Bravo ! Aloha
Thanks so much Ana. This past year has been so amazing. Rob and I have seen Mak grow in so many areas, so many priceless family memories:)
Oh my God this is so beautiful Tracey, it brings tears to my eyes. I can feel your love for your son and the world in every word. You are all so blessed by that love, and I have no doubt it will continue to touch the lives of countless others you meet. Vaya bien! xxx
Thank you Sarah:)
What a sweet sweet letter and what a great way for Makai to look back at the life you gave him. I love the last photo of him! Glad you arrived safely, let the adventure begin!
Thanks so much Patti. I have been thinking about you lately. The last Air BnB in the U.S. we stayed in was so quaint it made me think of your Abigail’s. I really do want stay at your place some day.