Want to learn more about long-term family travel?
Our desire to travel long term came after the birth of our Son, Makai. Rob and I wanted to combine two of our greatest passions, travel and spending time together as a family. Trouble was, we couldn’t afford to pay a mortgage and all the costs that went along with our home, and travel too without both of us working full time. Then we started to dream of this nomad life.
We both wanted to be present to raise and homeschool Mak during his growing years. We also wanted to give him a more worldly perspective at a young age. The only way we could crunch the numbers to afford to do that was to find work online and sell our home to travel.
We’ve visited numerous places around the world since we set out to travel in April 2014. Incredible cities and towns where we can live well for so much less than we did back home.
Our nomad life posts explain the different aspects of our travel lifestyle. Want to know the challenges and rewards of this unconventional life? What about how we plan where we’ll go, or how we travel full time cheap? Our nomad life isn’t always easy but we wouldn’t want to live any other way.